
TJ and Dave

The comics TJ Jagodowski and Dave Pasquesi miraculously improvise a one-hour play at every performance. This is an impressive feat of mental athletics, but the results are also observant, complex and frequently enormously funny.

– The New York Times

“BRILLIANT, HEARTBREAKING, MIND-BLOWING, INSPIRING! The best 50 minutes of improv comedy that we’ve ever seen. But we wouldn’t want to insult their effusive skills by speaking so simplistically. Also, it’s funny. Drink their Kool-Aid.”

– Time Out New York

“TJ Jagodowski and Dave Pasquesi, two of the world’s finest practitioners of the art of long-form improv, create an hour long one-act play. They’re both great actors and have amazing improv chops, but it’s always hard to notice these kinds of things when you’re peeing your pants laughing.”

– Time Out Chicago

“The cumulative effect of their spontaneous storytelling is breathtaking…Without-a-net derring-do brand of theatre.”

– nytheatre.com



Upcoming Performances

Goodman Theatre
Chicago, IL
July 18-20, 2024


Soho Theatre
London, England
August 27-31, 2024


Smock Alley
Dublin, Ireland
September 3 and 4, 2024


Nun’s Island
Galway, Ireland
September 5


Belfast, Northern Ireland
Black Box Theatre
September 8



Trust Us…the doc

TJ and Dave walk out on stage without characters, dialog or plot. An hour later they leave an audience with one of the funniest nights of their lives. Described by The New York Times as “Second City-seasoned masters of long form improv”, TJ Jagodowski and David Pasquesi have become living legends in their field.

Exploring the trust that underlies their relationship and the forces that govern their improvisation, Trust Us, This is All Made Up is a portrait of two remarkably talented friends and features an unforgettable live performance recorded at New York’s Barrow Street Theater.

Trust us DVD is available at Amazon, Buy Now

trust us


You can watch some shows on Vimeo



Awards and Citations

(Nice things people give them)

Del Close Award – Best Improvised Show – 2003
Del Close Award – Best Improvised Show – 2004

Chicago Short Comedy and Video Film Festival
Best of the Festival “Must Like Magic” – 2006

Nightlife Awards New York – Best Unique Comedy Performance – 2006
Nightlife Awards New York – Outstanding Unique Comedy Performance – 2007

Chicago Improv Festival – Improviser of the Year
Both T.J. Jagodowski and David Pasquesi – 2006

Chicago Reader – Best Improvised Show – 2008

Midwest Independent Film Festival – Best Male Actor(s)
Both T.J. Jagodowski and David Pasquesi – 2016


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TJ and Dave doing their magic

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